Produse pentru orez kare japonez (72)

Orez Aromat

Orez Aromat

Aromatic Rice is a major type of rice known for its taste and nut-like aroma. It is a medium to long-grain variety that becomes light and fluffy upon cooking. Primarily grown in the regions of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, EG Export and Import offers the best quality aromatic rice, naturally cultivated by farmers and aged for a longer period. This rice provides fast and instant energy to the body, making it a healthy choice for any meal. Buy Aromatic Rice today for a healthy heart and experience the quality and taste of this exceptional rice! Our Aromatic Rice is sourced from trusted suppliers, ensuring that you receive a product that meets the highest standards of quality and purity. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, this rice is the perfect addition to your kitchen. Its versatility and flavor make it an essential ingredient for a wide variety of culinary creations. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your cooking with our premium Aromatic Rice. Order today and enjoy the taste of quality!
orez - basmati - aburit - alb - boabe lungi

orez - basmati - aburit - alb - boabe lungi

riz 1kg - 5kg - 25kg - 50 kg basmati sella 1121 blanc jasmin long graines étuvé
Orez Negru 1000g VIVIO - Orez Negru 1000g VIVIO

Orez Negru 1000g VIVIO - Orez Negru 1000g VIVIO

Ryż czarny, po ugotowaniu nabiera fioletowego odcienia, dlatego nazywany jest też fioletowym. Tak jak ryż brązowy jest niełuskany dlatego bogaty w błonnik, witaminy, szczególnie witaminę E i minerały: żelazo, cynk, miedź.Ryż czarny gotuje się dłużej niż inne ryże, od pól godziny do godziny, zawsze będzie delikatnie chrupiący. Często wykorzystuje się go przygotowania zdrowych deserów, np. deseru ryżowego z mlekiem kokosowym.Ryż czarny jest bogaty w antyoksydanty odpowiedzialne za zwalczanie wolnych rodników, tym samym chroniące nas przed stanami zapalnymi i wieloma schorzeniami oraz opóźniające starzenie się komórek.&nbsp;<strong>Skład:</strong> ryż brązowy&nbsp;<strong>Wartości odżywcze w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 1498kJ/354kcal - 18% RWS*Tłuszcz 3,2g - 5%w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 0,8g - 4%Węglowodany 72g - 28%w tym cukry 0,7g &lt;1%Białko 7,7g - 15%Błonnik 3,1gSól 0,03g &lt;1%*RWS - Referencyjna Wartość Spożywcza&nbsp;<strong>Stosowanie</strong>Ryż przepłukać zimna wodą
Orez la abur - Cereale în ambalaj special

Orez la abur - Cereale în ambalaj special

If you see TM "TERRA" products on the shelf, feel free to take them. Steamed rice is not an exception. Airy and crumbly rice will be an excellent side dish for meat and fish. It will take half an hour of time and a little of your inspiration to prepare.
Paste de orez Hoshi Pasta, 250g

Paste de orez Hoshi Pasta, 250g

Description of the item: Rice pasta. Composition: Rice flour, drinking water. Nutritional value per 100 g of the product: proteins – 7.4 g, fats – 0.6 g, carbohydrates – 82 g. Energy value: 363 kcal/1519 kJ per 100 g. product Weight: 250 g
Amestec de wasabi

Amestec de wasabi

Wasabi mix is a blend that captures the pungent, spicy heat of wasabi, ideal for sushi, snacks, and adding a kick to sauces and dressings.
Samyang Chacharoni - Gust autentic de ramen cu pastă de fasole neagră coreeană și ulei de măsline.

Samyang Chacharoni - Gust autentic de ramen cu pastă de fasole neagră coreeană și ulei de măsline.

Samyang Chacharoni are Korean Chajang instant noodles. Easy and quick to prepare. Chajang is a soybean paste, which has its origin from China. The Chjang soybean paste is creamy, spicy and sweet. 140:grammes
Miliț - Pachet de miliț

Miliț - Pachet de miliț

Kasza jaglana uważana jest za jeden z najzdrowszych pokarmów świata. Uprawiana od setek lat, pozyskiwana jest z łuskanych ziaren prosa. Wyróżnia się najwyższą zawartością witamin z grupy B:(B1,B2,B6) oraz żelaza i miedzi. Kasza jaglana posiada także właściwości lecznicze, jest lekkostrawna i nie uczula, bo nie zawiera glutenu dlatego może być spożywana przez osoby chorujące na celiakie. Ma właściwości antywirusowe, zmniejsza stan zapalny błon śluzowych. Zawiera krzemionkę, która korzystnie wpływa na stan naszej skóry, włosów i paznokci.
Choco Susan - PÂNTECE

Choco Susan - PÂNTECE

Ingredients WHEAT flour*, Nonhydrogenated vegetable oils and fats *(sunflower*, cocoa*), WHEAT syrup*, Chocolate coating* (cocoa*, cane sugar*, cocoa butter*, aroma natural vanilla extract), SESAME seeds*, EGGS* and Leavening agent (ammonium bicarbonate). SPELT Ingredients SPELT WHEAT flour*, Nonhydrogenated vegetable oils and fats *(sunflower*, cocoa*), rice syrup*, Chocolate coating* (cocoa*, cane sugar*, cocoa butter*, aroma natural vanilla extract), SESAME seeds*, EGGS* and Leavening agent (ammonium bicarbonate Wheat Reference:Chsep2 Wheat Ean:8413115003873 Wheat Reference:Chse-g Wheat Ean:8413115003866 Spelt Reference:Chseep2 Spelt Ean:8413115004924 Spelt Reference:Chseeg Spelt Ean:8413115004931 Wheat Energetic Value:2321 Kj/556 Kcal Wheat Fat:35,4 G Of Which Saturates 18,2 G Wheat Carbohydrates:56,9 G. Of Which Sugars 20,9 G Wheat Protein:2,4 G Wheat Salt:0,1 G Spelt Energetic Value:2321 Kj/556 Kcal Spelt Fat:35,4 G Of Which Saturates 18,2 G Spelt Carbohydrates:56,9 G. Of Which Sugars 20,9 G Spelt Protein:2,4 G Spelt Salt:0,1 G Wheat Packages:Box Of 12 Packages Of 200 G Wheat Bulk:Box Of 3 Kg. Neto Spelt Packages:Box Of 12 Packages Of 200 G Spelt Bulk:Box Of 3 Kg. Neto
Wholesaler de Orez

Wholesaler de Orez

Mayorista de todo tipo de arroz. Fabricación,distribuición a todas las zonas del mundo. Proveedor de confianza.


We Supply Best Rice from Long Grain to Short Grain Long Grain White Rice Parboiled Rice Short Grain Rice Broken Rice


Das sonnenreiche und wasserdurchflutete Land ist ideal für den Anbau dieses hervorragenden Lebensmittels. Reis ist eine der gesündesten und beliebtesten Getreidearten, reich an Eiweiß, Kohlenhydraten und Vitamin B. Wir haben diesen griechischen Mittelkornreis mit großer Sorgfalt ausgewählt. Unser Ziel ist Ihre volle Zufriedenheit und eine ausgezeichnete Ernährung. Sie sind für unsere traditionellen Pilafi geeignet. 500 g
Orez Sălbatic Canadian (Zizania aquatica) - Aliment

Orez Sălbatic Canadian (Zizania aquatica) - Aliment

Eine Delikatesse mit besonders feinem, nussigen Aroma. Reiner Wildreis - keine Reismischung 10 kg Angebote auf Anfrage (auch für Händler) Wildreis - Indianerreis . . . eine Delikatesse Wildreis - die indianischen Ureinwohner Kanadas kennen diese Delikatesse seit Jahrtausenden. Mit dem uns bekannten Weißen Reis ist Wildreis nur entfernt verwandt. Er hat eine schwarzbraune Farbe und die Form von Tannennadeln. Der nussige Geschmack, seine Bissfestigkeit und sein kräftiges Aroma machen ihn zum perfekten Begleiter vieler Gerichte, sein Äußeres macht ihn - insbesondere mit anderen Zutaten gemischt - zu einem Farbtupfer und Blickfang. Wildreis . . . ein Naturprodukt Wildreis - an sauberen kanadischen Seen Ontarios, ohne synthetische Dünger und chemische Pestizide gewachsen, wird Wildreis vom Boot aus geerntet. Nach der Ernte wird der Wildreis getrocknet und entspelzt. Über einem Holzfeuer wird der Wildreis gedarrt, ist so länger haltbar und erhält hierdurch seinen typischen nussigen...
Orez Hom Mali

Orez Hom Mali

Le riz HoM Mali, est une variété de riz d’origine thaïlandaise. Réputé pour son arôme naturellement parfumé au jasmin , sa saveur délicate et sa texture légèrement collante à la cuisson font de lui un riz souvent utilisé dans la cuisine thaïlandaise et asiatique pour accompagner. A sa saveur agréable s’ajoute des vitamines et minéraux qui sont une source d’énergie importante pour le corps.
Orez Desi Basmati Golden Sella I 20kg - Orez

Orez Desi Basmati Golden Sella I 20kg - Orez

RIZ Référence:001852
Căpșună Rabarbar - FRUCTE ROȘII

Căpșună Rabarbar - FRUCTE ROȘII

Teneur totale en fruits: Préparée avec 55 g de fruits pour 100 g de produit fini. Ingrédients et allergens: Fraise, rhubarbe, sucre, jus de citron, gélifiant: pectines de pomme. Valeurs nutritionnelles moyennes pour 100g Energie 995/234 kJ kcal Mat ères grasses < 0.5 g Dont acides gras saturés < 0.1 g Glucides 57 g Dont sucres 43 g Proteins 0.6 g Sel 0.01 g La texture de la confiture de fraise et de rhubarbe établit un équilibre entre l’onctuosité et la texture naturelle des morceaux de fruits. Cela préserve l’authenticité des ingrédients, vous permettant de savourer la délicieuse combinaison de fraise et de rhubarbe à chaque bouchée. Poids:335g UGS:3 455 149 000 720
Orez Galben (Curry)

Orez Galben (Curry)

Riz Jaune( Curry)
Fusilli 500g Warda - 6194043403264 - Cereale

Fusilli 500g Warda - 6194043403264 - Cereale

Fusilli_500g_Warda - 6194043403264 - Céréales Colisage colis:24 UVC Colisage pallette:54 Colis Type produit:Pâte Tarif famille:Pates, Couscous et Semoules Tarif sous famille:PATES NORMALE


Nos nouilles fraîches PÏNJA sont de qualité traiteur à base de Farine de blé: 30%, EAU, SEL. On les dégustent sautées nature, aux légumes ou à la viande, bien assaisonnées et accompagnées de toute sorte de bouillon. Saveur et fraîcheur à chaque bouchée ce plat chinois par excellence. Poids net sachet:200g Quantité de sachet par colis:30 sachets de 200g Quantité de colis par palette FR:67 colis Quantité de colis par palette EXP:57 colis Ensachages selon le client final :3kg, 1 kg, 0.6kg, 0.4kg
Ovăz Decorticat Bio 5 Kg

Ovăz Decorticat Bio 5 Kg

L'avena decorticata biologica è un alimento non molto conosciuto e utilizzato in Italia mentre nei paesi anglosassoni è uno degli ingredienti principali della colazione. L'avena bio decorticata viene venduta in chicchi per preparare gustose ricette vegane o vegetariane. L'avena è spesso utilizzata cruda in fiocchi per rendere più gustose la colazione a base di latte o yogurt invece la varietà in chicchi è ottima per preparare zuppe o minestre. Questo cereale è anche un concentrato di sostanze nutritive utili per il benessere dell'organismo come fibre vitamine del gruppo B e diversi sali minerali (ferro calcio potassio fosforo magnesio rame). L'avena decorticata bio prima di essere cucinata deve essere sciacquata sotto l'acqua corrente per eliminare eventuali impurità e poi bisogna metterla a bagno almeno per 12 ore in seguito può essere bollita o utilizzata come ingrediente per insalate e contorni ma in particolare per preparare biscotti pane torte salate e dolci.
cereale - cereale mic dejun

cereale - cereale mic dejun

musli si cereale pentru mic dejun
Orez negru cu bob rotund

Orez negru cu bob rotund

Premium Black Rice Round Grain from Russia. Glutinous. For sushi, rolls and baby food Green food Cereal grains Gluten free With antioxidants. ARATAY rice is grown on fertile soils in the Krasnodar Territory, Russia. We use gentle technology that means 2 times less fertilizers and fungicides We created a new unique variety of black rice SMUGLYANKA and made it a superfood. It contains x50 antioxidants comparing to white rice. It is glutinous. Perfect for sushi. rolls and baby food. ARATAY rice retains more nutrients and antioxidants when boiled. It is the result of targeted selection. Our rice stays natural and unpolished. It retains the top shell useful for health and the germ of the grain. ARATAY rice is recommended for breastfeeding women to strengthen the immune system. It reduces cholesterol levels. Useful in diabetes. It makes the skin healthier, strengthens hair and nails. It reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Texture:hard Kind:Brown Rice Variety:Round Grain Rice Style:Dried Color:Black Cultivation Type:Common Broken Ratio (%):8% Max. Moisture (%):14% Admixture (%) :0,04% Crop Year:Current year Certification:SGS


MR RICE, Galette de Riz “FRESHROLL” 16CM (ROND) 40 X 300GR - GALETTE DE RIZ Réf:1303009
Sushi Nori Gold 50 (125 g)

Sushi Nori Gold 50 (125 g)

Sushi Nori Gold 50 sheets (125 g). Sushi Nori is a high quality roasted seaweed (Korea), commonly used for Sushi or Kimbab. We use only high quality raw material imported directly from South Korea. Available under our brand, custom packaging or private label.
Fidea de orez Chao Ching 400g - fidea de orez vermicelli Chao Ching grosime 0,85 mm

Fidea de orez Chao Ching 400g - fidea de orez vermicelli Chao Ching grosime 0,85 mm

Fideos de arroz marca KANGLE hechos a base de arroz y almidón. Producto sano, bajo en sal y grasas, y sin gluten. Bolsa de 400g. Grosor: 0.85mm Disponible para vender tanto a nivel nacional como exportación. Fecha de caducidad: 2 años
Făină de Orez Negru

Făină de Orez Negru

It is grown with the use of organic farming without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. According to the researches, a spoon of black rice shell contains more antioxidants than a spoon of blueberries, but with less sugar and more fiber and vitamin E. Antioxidants help in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, cancer and a number of neurological diseases. Black rice can be used instead of brown or white rice while making desserts, it is often used for making puddings because of the natural sweetness. Black rice has nothing to do with wild rice and is arguably the most useful kind of rice. Weight:500 g
Timbale de Orez cu Cârnați și Ciuperci

Timbale de Orez cu Cârnați și Ciuperci

I più intensi aromi e sapori del Sud si combinano in una ricetta sfiziosa come il timballo di riso con salsiccia e funghi. Preparato con ingredienti di alta qualità e fornito con apposite salse, porterà sulle vostre tavole un piatto tradizionale, gustoso e dal sapore fresco come appena fatto
Eifix Ouă Bătute Congelate

Eifix Ouă Bătute Congelate

Eifix Rührei TK Einfach. Und lecker. Eifix Rührei TK Blitzschneller Qualitätsgarant. Das fertig gegarte, tiefgekühlte Rührei besteht aus besten Eiern, Milch, Sahne und feinen Gewürzen. Die Zubereitung ist denkbar einfach: Die gewünschte Menge lässt sich optimal portionieren und blitzschnell im Kombidämpfer oder in der Mikrowelle erwärmen.
Mafaldine tradițională Albastru-Alb-Inimă - Paste artizanală Albastru-Alb-Inimă

Mafaldine tradițională Albastru-Alb-Inimă - Paste artizanală Albastru-Alb-Inimă

Conditionnement : - sachet de 240 grammes Ingrédients : - Farine* de blé dur (Origine Poitou-Charentes) - Farine de lin jaune (Origine France) - Eau * Ingrédient allergène
Varză uscată chineză - HoReCa

Varză uscată chineză - HoReCa

Peking cabbage was popular in Europe only in the Asian quarters until the middle of the 20th century. But in the past few decades, she has been at the peak of culinary popularity, including in Russia. Its nutritional value and excellent taste are preserved in the dried product. It is from dried Beijing cabbage that a delicious Korean soup of siriag-cook is prepared, as well as national dishes Namul, Ttige, and Bale. Companions of dried Chinese cabbage, helping her to reach her full taste potential, are garlic and onions. Use for Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes meat, poultry and game dishes. Taste Piquant, sweetish Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 26 Fats (g / 100g)… 3,5 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 34 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 270